If you are a high schooler interested in deepening your relationship with the Holy Trinity so that you can be more present to Him, your family, and friends, then come join us for a day of silence October 5th. The day will be spent being introduced to the practice of silence, as well as an opportunity to engage in silence so that you can experience the greatest tool that combats anxiety, stress, and fear. Silence is instrumental to developing a strong relationship with God that can be sustained throughout all the obstacles and struggles we experience in this life. Be not afraid to answer the call of God drawing you into silence, for it is the silence of the desert where has ordained to speak tenderly to our hearts.
The cost per participant is $30. Early payments can be sent to St. Charles Center's Office:
2151 Sam Houston Jones Pkwy.
Moss Bluff, LA 70611
If paying by check, please make the check payable to Camp Karol. There will also be a check-in station at Camp Karol the day of the event where payment can be turned in.